Lothlorien is open to the general public. Therapeutic riding is an equine-assisted activity for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of individuals with special needs.  Therapeutic riding provides benefits in the areas of health, education, sport, recreation and leisure. 

LTRC is a safe and enjoyable environment where participants experience the benefits of horseback riding, horsemanship skills and interaction with horses, while working constructively on physical, cognitive, mental, and emotional challenges.  We strive to offer our participants the opportunity to do an athletic activity which, like any sport, requires them to develop good balance, muscle strength and coordination. 

The accepting nature and tolerant personality of the horse encourages riders to test the limits of their abilities and learn to make good choices under the guidance of qualified instructors.

The Benefits

Therapeutic riding means much more than sitting on a horse.  The goals for each student vary and the benefits are endless.  Some concrete benefits students may take home include: 

  • Adjusting how the reins are held can increase fine motor skills. 
  • Getting on and off the horse can increase gross motor skills.
  • While a horse moves forward, it also sways side-to-side, which is a three-dimensional movement unique to horses and unable to be replicated in any other way.  This movement causes the rider to involuntarily use many more core muscles than they typically would when walking or sitting on their own, improving their core strength.
  • Therapeutic riding helps with balance and coordination, social skills and sensory integration.
  • Mounting a horse at the ramp can help a rider conquer their fears and boost confidence.

We have had students speak for the first time on their horse, interact more at home and school after riding, and progress from riding with complete support to riding independently.  We have watched a rider struggle to complete a task, only to succeed with the help of their 4-legged friend whom they can’t help but smile, laugh and fall in love with.  Our horses are riding companions, confidants (that always keep your secrets), reading buddies, play pals, teachers, confidence builders and partners in the rider’s success.


Lessons incorporate the educational, physical, social and recreational goals of the individual student.  LTRC instructors conduct lessons, which focuses on the rider’s abilities.  Our season is April-November, and is made up of 5 or 6-week sessions.  Riders attend one lesson per week for the 5 or 6 weeks of the session(s) they are signed up for.

Each group lesson is one hour in length with 3-5 riders in the group.  The lesson includes mounting, warm up time, activities/games that work on skill development, a closing activity and dismounting.  Many riders sign up for multiple sessions each season in order to receive maximum therapeutic benefit.

Programs are conducted by trained instructors and specially trained volunteers. Our staff, volunteers, and especially our horses work together to meet the unique needs of our very special clients. The small miracles that happen everyday at LTRC are attributed to the dedication and commitment of our incredible team!